Aleksandar Srnec: Experimental Reality
Museum Lapidarium, Novigrad, Croatia
09. July 2010 - 15. October 2010


curator: Ješa Denegri

Aleksandar Srnec exhibition in Novigrad originated in a sign of deep respect for the author and his work, as a token of wish to present a part of his oeuvre. Furthermore, in spite of his recent departure, there was a wish to strengthen the previously established connections, to prevent their breaks - and to simply continue extolling the author's incredible contributions to the art production, that is temporally coinciding with the second half of the 20th century.

Preparations for this exhibitions have started during Srnec's life and continued as a token of dedication and desire to present one of our unavoidable and most interesting artistic individuals in a milieu that is cultivating modern and contemporary art production. Explorer and experimenter, Aleksandar Srnec was an artist who did not create in order to be in the limelight nor for the sake of media attention. He needed and utilized light as inspiration for his work, and created tirelessly for decades, for the simple reason that in every sense and respect he was and remained a true artist, faithful to his principles, in both art and in life.

Though whole of the author's oeuvre possesses the auras of exploration and experiment, that were revealed first by Varaždin and then by Zagreb retrospective, the pieces selected for this
exhibition present the very axis of author's experimental spirit. 

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