essay about authorbibliographyartist's influences
10. October 1938

Zbigniew Warpechowski (1938, Płoski) is one of the pioneers of performance in Polish art, referring to himself as "an avant-garde traditionalist". 

He studied architecture at Kraków University of Technology (1956 – 1962), and later industrial forms at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków (1964 – 1965).

Starting in figurative painting which he soon abandoned, he developed his philosophy on performance art, stemming from poetry. In 1971, he published his theoretical manifesto Artysta jest. He works within topics of the endurance of the human body, the position of the artist and consumption culture. While his primary medium of expression is performance, he also created conceptual works, paintings, sculptures, poetry and wrote art theory texts.

His first performance was Kwadrans poetycki (with Tomasz Stańko) in SaiW, Kraków in 1967. In 1971, in Andrzej Partum's Biuro Poezji, Warpechowski did the first from his series of Dialog z rybą performances. Some of his other notable performances are Talerzowanie, Krzysztofory Gallery, Kraków (1971); Piłka nożna, Galeria BWA, Wrocław (1974); Autopsja (1974); Champion of Golgota (1978); Krótka love story z elektrycznością (1979), Marsz (1979), Brudna woda (1988), and others. For Documenta VIII in 1987 he created 10 Performances in 2 Days

He has been a member of Grupa Krakowska since 1985. He is as well a member of the Black Market since 1986, who stage performances twice a year.