essay about authorbibliographyartist's influences
20. June 1921 - 18. July 1994
Ex Yugoslavia

Radoslav Putar, Varaždin 20.7.1929 - Novi Marof 18.7.1994, is an eminent art historian, critic and curator, who through his own independent and solitary effort significantly directed Croatian culture towards acceptance of the language of contemporary visual arts. The social aspect of his work was also important because he promoted the ideas of democracy and advocated dialogue, tolerance, freedom of expression and openness to other cultures. Today it is hard to imagine the extent to which his work was heroic, and can definitively assert that his contribution to theory and practice provided one of the keystones of contemporary Croatian art and culture. Radoslav Putar was one of the founders of the international art movement and exhibition series Nove tendencije / The New Tendencies. He was a member of the art group Gorgona.
In 1998, his collection of essays entitled „Radoslav Putar, art criticism, studies and memorials 1950-1960“, was edited by Ljiljana Kolešnik and published by the Institute for the History of Art, Zagreb.
In 2002, The Institute for the Contemporary Art, Zagreb, in collaboration with the Foundation for Civil Society, New York and the Trust for Mutual Understanding, New York, established the Radoslav Putar Award for Young Visual Artists,



1954. Salon 54, Gallery of Fine Arts, Rijeka (co-author)
1955. Jugoslavensko slikarstvo i kiparstvo, Alexandria
1956. Suvremeno slikarstvo Jugoslavije – Kongres AICA, Art gallery, Dubrovnik (co-author)
1957. Suvremena umjetnost I: Didaktička izložba apstraktne umjetnosti, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb (co-author)
1957. Ivo Dulčić, Ivan Kožarić, Jakopič Pavilion, Ljubljana
1958. Vojin Bakić, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb
1958. Tehnike slikarstva – didaktička izložba,  Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb
1959. Bakić, Picelj, Srnec, Galerie Denise René, Paris
1961. Izložba slikarstva XIX. stoljeća u Hrvatskoj, "Benko Horvat" Gallery of Paintings of the City of Zagreb, Zagreb (co-author)
1961. 60 godina slikarstva i kiparstva u Hrvatskoj, Art Pavilion, Zagreb (co-author)
1961. – 1963. exhibitions in Studio G, Zagreb
1961. Nove tendencije 1, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb (co-author)
1962. Ivan Kožarić, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb
1963. Nove tendencije 2, Gallery of Contemporary Art (co-author)
1965. Nova tendencija 3, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Museum of Arts and Crafts, Centre for Industrial Design, Zagreb (co-author)
1969. Tendencije 4, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb (co-author)
1971. Gianni Colombo, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb
1973. De Consequenties van der machine, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam (co-author)
1973. Braco Dimitrijević, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb
1973. XII. Biennale de São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo
1973. Nove tendencije 5, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb (co-author)
1974. Nova fotografija I, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb (co-author)
1975. Aspekte: Gegenwärtige Kunst aus Jugoslawien, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Vienna
1975. XIII. Biennale de São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo (co-author)
1975. Aspects 75, Richard Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh (co-author)
1976. La Biennale di Venezia 76', Yugoslav Pavilion, Venice
1979. 7. Motovunski likovni susret: Transformacije papira, Motovun (co-author)


2019. Radoslav Putar i Miljenko Horvat. Retrospektiva, Varaždin City Museum, Varaždin


1977. Gorgona, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb; Galerija Studentskog centra, Beograd; Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach
1986. Gorgona, Students' Cultural Centre Gallery, Belgrade
1989. Gorgona (...Jevsovar, Knifer...), FRAC Bourgogne, Dijon
1993. The Horse who Sings — Radical Art from Croatia, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
2007. Gorgona iz Kolekcije Macura, Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade
2011. Socijalizam i modernost, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb
2015. Gorgona, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb
2016. Modernità Non Allineata. Arte e Archivi dell'Est Europa dalla Collezione Marinko Sudac, FM Centre for Contemporary Art, Milan
2017. El nem kötelezett művészet – Marinko Sudac gyűjteménye, Ludwig Múzeum — Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum, Budapest
2017. Gorgona, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz
2018. In Memoriam – Josip Vaništa, Šira Gallery, Zagreb
2018. Hello World. Revision einer Sammlung, Hamburger Bahnhof –Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin
2019. GORGONA 1959–1968. Független művészeti törekvések Zágrábban. Retrospektív kiállítás a Marinko Sudac gyűjteményből, Kassák Múzeum, Budapest
2019. GORGONA. Prace z kolekcji Marinko Sudaca, Profile Foundation, Warsaw