Marko Pogačnik (b. 1944, Kranj) is a UNESCO Artist for Peace. He lives with his wife and collaborator Marika in Šempas, Slovenia. During the years 1965-71, he worked in Conceptual Art and Land Art as a member of OHO group. After 1971 he works in the field of art combined with integral ecology (geomancy). He has developed a method of Earth healing called "lithopuncture" with stones standing on specific points and complemented with carved cosmograms. He developed "Gaia Touch" body exercises to tune to the essence of the Earth. In 2006 he started the project of Geopuncture Circles. His books are translated into several languages.
For the project, Pogačnik sends us instructions from his recent telephatic workshop for Brazil.
May 31 2020, Marko Pogačnik UNESCO Artist for Peace
I am used to work from early spring till late autumn in different natural and urban ambiences in the form of workshops in which interested people are free to participate. The strict rules accompanying the Covid 19 pandemics prevented me to work in the usual way. So I decided to work with places and landscapes from distance using the telepathic way of communication both in relationship to participants as well as to the places involved.
Telepathic artwork
Since four decades I do the work in the field that is usually called “Earth healing”. I see it as an aspect of the practical ecology that I have developed, departing from my Land Art experiences in the 60ies of the past century, as a member of the OHO group.
“Earth healing” means for me to confront myself and the group with the damages caused to the planet and its living beings by the modern civilization that to the high degree has lost its deeper connection to the matrix of life upon Earth. To be able to detect the causes of damages I had to develop different forms of extrasensory perception and corresponding theory of the multidimensional space of reality. This means that the telepathic way of perception and communication is close to me and also to many people worldwide that understand that the composition of life is much larger then perceived by the rational mind.
In effect the telepathic way of work provoked by Covid 19 is for me an unexpected continuation of the Intercontinental Telepathic Projects realized in 1970 by the OHO group when two of the four of us lived for one month in USA and the other two stayed home in Europe. Each day we did two forms of telepathic communication and documented the results.
Preparation process
What follows is a documentation concerning one of several telepathic workshops performed this year during the Covid 19 Quarantine. The process starts with preparations when I invite one of my collaborators to go in a telepathic way to the chosen country and to feel what needs to be done there in the sense of the ecological healing. Since I have worked many times in Brazil, I could prepare an exact route of investigation. With my assisting friend who lives about 200 kilometres away we started the path through Brazil at the same time. We went from place to place tuning to the different layers their environment. We use a simple technique allowing our inner sensations to coagulate into inner images that our rational mind is able to read and to translate into logical statements.
When we conclude the path of investigation, we share our experiences and discuss the way how to create the workshop concept. As next I write the concept in the form of a program with exact hours of work on the chosen places. We do not worry about the time zones because the resulting time differences are not an organic but mental structure. So people collaborating on May 31 all started at 9.15 in the morning according to their local time.
The program for Brazil Workshop was translated into Portuguese, German, Slovenian, Hebrew, English, Italian and French language posted at the LifeNet Gathering 2020 home page: This is also the home page where participants can write their experiences after the workshop.
Telepathic workshop for Brazil, May 31 2020
9:15–9:30: Connection and attunement of the group
We take time to feel each other’s presence and start to form the circle. Be aware that we are going to create a complex work for the Earth, so make sure that you are well grounded and fully present.
Then we invite elemental and ancestral protectors of Brazil to join our circle. Feel what it is like to be together with all these beings in the circle.
Now we need to create the etheric space in which our workshop will take place. Imagine creating a spherical membrane around our circle, composed of fine water drops shimmering violet. From time to time you should remember our common space that enables us to work together over vast distances.
9:30–9:40 The coast between Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro is blocked
To conquer the huge country of Brazil, that was allotted to the king of Portugal by the pope, the conquerors used black magic to create a high black wall along the coast between Sao Paulo and Rio and prevent the primordial powers of the Atlantic Ocean (the dragon of Atlantic) to enter the continent and to renew its powers cyclically. Brazil is weaker if it is not regenerated by the water dragon of the Atlantic.
Imagine looking at the coast of Brazil from the ocean.
Take a handful of ocean water into your hands, lift it to the sky and ask to be blessed with the divine power of transformation.
Spill the water over the coastal line to liberate the elemental beings of nature that were forced to uphold the wall. Repeat the exercise few times.
Then feel the exchange between the primeval powers of the Atlantic Ocean and the South American continent in action.
9:40–10:00 The space of the Amazonian forest is under strong pressure
The huge watery basin of Amazonia should be in constant exchange with the eastern part of Brazil which is rich with mineral ore and crystals. The fusion of minerals (Earth element) and the Water element makes the manifestation of the embodied reality of the planet possible. The Earth as a living planet starts to die if the flow of exchange between the Water (plants) and Mineral kingdoms is broken – this is obvious in the present condition of the Amazonian rain forest. The chaotic power of the urbanized coastal Brazil is pressing towards the natural space of Amazonia.
Be aware of the two lithopuncture systems (megaliths with carved cosmograms) that Marika and Marko Pogačnik from the Slovenian VITAAA Art Group have carved in two landscapes of the mineral rich part of Brazil with the help of the Brazilian Franklin Frederick: in Circuito das Aguas and Morro do Pilar.
Imagine the two systems as a source of countless acupuncture meridians spread throughout the eastern (mineral) part of Brazil. They help the overpopulated part of the country to be grounded and ordered according to the cosmic patterns of the mineral kingdom.
10:00–10:20 To connect the being of the Amazonas to the mineral kingdom of Brazil
The new capital of Brazil, Brasilia, was founded according to a vision of the Italian saint Don Bosco, upon the place of the portal through which the watery Amazonia exchanges its powers with the mineral kingdom of the eastern part of Brazil.
Imagine standing in the area of the Brasilia portal. The basin of Amazonia is behind your back.
Imagine walking from there backwards towards the centre of Amazonia.
There you should turn around (in your imagination) and perceive the Goddess (the soul) of the Amazonian forest.
Take her sweet presence into your heart, turn round so that you look again into direction of Atlantic Ocean.
Carry her presence through the portal of Brasilia all the way down to Rio de Janeiro.
Touch with it the famous granite mountains of Rio so that the cosmic elements of Water and Mineral are connected again.
10:20–10:40 Break for a cup of coffee, to write down the experiences …
10:40–11:00 At the level of the planet, the highlands of Tibet represent the mineral (yang) pole of the planet and the Amazonian rainforest the kingdom of the Water element (yin pole)
Tibet and Amazonia are positioned exactly at two opposite sides of the planet. They are connected with each other through the heart of the Earth that reaches towards both poles, to Amazonia and to Tibet. Their link has to be renewed so that the planet can get strong enough to meet the challenges of the present Earth transformation process.
Imagine Tibet behind your back. Marvel at its high snow-covered mountains.
Then work on identifying yourself with the planet Earth.
Being identical with the planet, you should lead Tibet through your heart, so that it can touch the watery Amazonian plain in front of you.
Give yourself some time to experience this act of planetary marriage.
Then move forward through the portal of Brasilia to anchor the renewed planetary link inside the megalithic mountains of Rio de Janeiro.
11:00–11:20 Connecting head, heart and belly
Tibet can be identified with the human head centred in the third eye positioned in the middle of the scull.
Amazonian watery plane giving birth to the abundance of life can be identified with the human belly space.
Be present within your heart space identical with the core of the Earth.
Let the essence of Tibet glide down into your heart. Be attentive to feel the fusion of the head and the heart within you and within the core of the planet.
Let the essence of Amazonia rise from your belly into the space of your heart.
Feel the quality generated by the fusion of the three basic dimensions of your being.
Touch hearts of people worldwide inspiring them to work on reconnecting their mind with their elemental essence within their hearts.
11:20–11:30 Ask the indigenous culture of Brazil and their ancestor cultures to protect the reconnected and balanced body of their country
Open your heart and consciousness to the ancestor cultures of Brazil.
Invite the human and fairy ancestors of Brazil to appear in front of you and ask them to forgive the conquerors for the pain and destruction they have caused to the country and its living beings.
Honour the ancestors of Brazil and ask them to protect countries integrity.
11:30–11:40 Conclusion of the workshop
We thank each other for mutual support in this work and we give thanks to beings of other dimensions of reality that worked together with us.
We give thanks to each other and release our circle.
The workshop was repeated a week later, June 7th 2020
Kranj, 06/07/2020
Artists Respond project was started by the Institute for the Research of the Avant-Garde and the Marinko Sudac Collection. Addressing the current global pandemic, the project aims to virtually present the thoughts and attitudes of neo-avant-garde artists, their energy and the message they have for the present moment. This is the moment in which the world as we know it is on hold and the moment in which we need optimism and solidarity more than ever. We wish for the public to welcome the creative energy of these artists - artists who are ready to point out the state of things, to respond with art and creativity, as they have done in all difficult times in the past.
Marko Pogačnik was a participant of our Artist on Vacation project in 2013, organised by the Institute for the Research of the Avant-Garde and the Marinko Sudac Collection, with Valamar Riviera d.d. in whose facilities they reside in Poreč.
See more: Artist on Vacation